Kids. Yep, less than two weeks until we are a family of four - officially. We got the okay to have Syd stay at the hospital overnight with us. My mom is going to take her part of the day to parks and to lunch and whatever else, but at night she'll be with us. Hopefully everything will be okay. We bought her a little fold out bed that she will sleep in (again, hopefully) at the hospital. She loves it so far and slept half the night in it down at Randy and Becky's house.
Went to the fair on Saturday. Syd went down the big slide with Joel. She looked kinda scared coming down, but when they got to the bottom she had a huge smile on her face and waved to all of us. Randy tried to take her down but she didn't want to go at all. Maybe next year.
While Joel was away, Syd started to not want to go to her room for nap time and bed time. I think ti was after I broke the light (oops) and I told her not to come in. Didn't think about it at the time, but I think she kinda got scared of her room. She does fall asleep without much of a fight once we leave the room, but as we put her in her bed and until we leave the room she is crying. I hate it, but usually within five minutes she's asleep. Last night she woke up around 2 and I brought her in our room, hopefully she'll make it through the night tonight.
10 more nights until we go to the hospital...
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